Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Poets In Autumn Tour in New Orleans

                        This October 7 the "Poets In Autumn" tour is coming to New Orleans! If you are a poetry buff or love theatre this event is something you'll want to see. This show will feature Jackie Hill Perry and Preston PerryJanette...ikz and Ezekiel Azonwu, as well as Chris Webb. These guys are some of the best Spoken Word artists in the business and perform every couple of years at the biggest spoken word shows out there with more than 3,000 people attending live.
                  So why am I telling you all this because (1) I am excited that I am going myself and that VIP tickets are so affordable! (2) I will be there with a merch table selling my poetry books! I will be selling them a little cheaper than you can find them on the internet and you'll get to see a great show. I'll even have some book marks and post cards for you to pick up. You can find tickets here as well as share the event with your friends and tell them about it. Can't go? Still share this with your theatre, literature, and all your artsy friends.